सिखा रहे सेक्स से पैसा कमाना - learn how to earn money from sex

सिखा रहे सेक्स से पैसा कमाना - learn how to earn money from sex 

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सिखा रहे सेक्स से पैसा कमाना - learn how to earn money from sex

In hindi,,

राजधानी में चल रहे रेकेट सेक्स
आवश्यकता है राजधानी के प्रसिद्ध ब्यूटी पार्लर को यंग और स्मार्ट लड़के और लड़कियों की जिन्हें अपने काम का ज्ञान हो। इच्छुक व्यक्ति स्वयं मिले। 

जैसे विज्ञापन आजकल विभिन्न समाचार पत्रों में रोज ही देखने को मिल जाते हैं। इन विज्ञापनों में युवक और युवतियों को मोटी कमाई का लालच भी दिया जाता है।

यह मोटी कमाई कैसे हो सकती है, यह जानने के लिए आठ पार्लर संचालकों से फोन पर बात की तो कई आश्चर्यजनक बातों का खुलासा हुआ।

 जिन पार्लर से संपर्क किया गया उनमें से किसी ने यह जानने की कोशिश नहीं कि फोन करने वाली को ब्यूटीशियन के काम की कितनी जानकारी है।

 उनका पूरा जोर पहले ही कांटेक्ट में फोन करने वालों की उम्र और कद- काठी की जानकारी लेने पर विशेष रहा। फोन पर जब इस काम में कमाई की सीमा जानने की कोशिश की तो जबाब में बताया गया

 कि यह आपकी सुंदरता और स्मार्टनेस पर डिपेंड है। इसके आगे फोन पर ज्यादा बातें करने के बजाए फेश टू फेश मिलने को कहा गया।

 इसलिए इस मोटी कमाई का राज जानने के लिए जब इन पार्लर पर जाकर उनके संचालकों से मुलाकात की तो मौके पर जो देखा वह सब कुछ चौंकाने और डराने वाला था।

 मालवीयनगर स्थित एक पार्लर में उस समय दो लड़के और दो लड़कियां मौजूद थे। कमरे में अन्दर बैठे पार्लर प्रतिनिधि ने शुरूआत ही इस सवाल से की क्या आपकी शादी हो गई?

 जवाब में हां सुनकर उसका कहना था गुड, इस काम के लिए शादीशुदा लड़कियां ही हमारी पहली पसंद हैं। 

पार्लर में क्या-क्या काम कर सकती हो जैसा जरूरी सवाल, अन्य अनेक द्विअर्थी सवाल के संतोषजनक जवाब पाने के बाद पूछा गया। जब उन्हें यकीन हो गया की वाकई में सामने वाले को पैसों की जरूरत है,

 तब वह अपने असली रंग में आए। इसके लिए वो जानना चाहते थे कि क्या आप वाकई में ढेर सारे रुपए, कम समय में कमाना चाहती है? जब इस सवाल का जवाब भी उन्हें हां में मिला तो उन्होंने कहा, ठीक है 

इसके लिए आपको पार्लर में आने वाले जेंट्स क्लाइंट्स को फुल बॉडी मसाज देने में अगर कोई एतराज न हो तो आपको हम प्रति दिन दस से 15 हजार रूपए तक दे सकते हैं। 

यह काम आप जितने फ्रेंकली करेंगी, पैसा उतना ही अधिक। साथ ही अगर आपको मसाज देने के लिए क्लाइंट के घर भेजा जाएगा तो आने जाने का खर्च भी दिया जाएगा। 

वैसे होम सर्विस में हम आपको ज्यादा पे करेंगे, वैसे भी होम सर्विस ज्यादा इंज्वायविल और सेफ होती है। उनकी बात का पूरा इशारा समझने के बाद भी जब हमारी प्रतिनिधि ने काम करने में रुचि दिखाई 

तो महोदय न केवल अश्लीलता पर उतर आए बल्कि उसी समय पार्लर में घुसे एक ग्राहक के लिए तत्काल सेवा देकर नौकरी की शुरूआत करने का आफर भी दे डाला।

 इसलिए स्थिति को खतरनाक होते देख प्रतिनिधि ने वह स्थान ही छोड़ने में भलाई समझी। इसके बाद प्रतिनिधि एक अन्य नामी पार्लर में गई,

 तो वहां भी ज्यादातर कॉलेज के छात्रों को सर्विस लेते पाया। इस पार्लर में भी वही सब सवाल किए गए जो पहले पार्लर में पूछे गए थे। हां यहां सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से सवाल सीधे तौर पर न करके घुमा कर किए गए।

 लेकिन अंग्रेजी जानने और का शौक रखने वाली लड़कियों को यहां काम के बदले में ज्यादा कमीशन देने की बात कही गई। काम वहीं जेंट्स मसाज, जैसी ग्राहक चाहे। इस पार्लर में पैकेज टूर की सुविधा भी है 

इसलिए प्रतिनिधि से यह भी पूछा की आपको क्लाइंट के साथ बाहर जाने में कोई दिक्कत तो नही है? जब प्रतिनिधि ने एक दो दिन के लिए बाहर जाने में सहमति दिखाई तो उन्होंने दिलासा दी की आपको जगहों पर जाना पड़ सकता है। 

बाहर जाने पर दैनिक वेतन 20 से 25 हजार रुपए देने की बात कही गई। जिसमें शर्त यह थी कि आपको कितने क्लाइंट को सर्विस देनी होगी यह हम तय करेंगे,

 जो आपको माननी ही होगी हां समय सीमा जरूर तय थी, चौबीस घंटे। फ्री होकर काम करोगी तो कम समय में ढेरों कमाओगी।

 चौका देने वाली बात तो यह है कि इस तरह की सेवा देने वाले सारे पार्लर एक सिंडीकेट की तरह अपना जाल फैलाए हैं। हमारे प्रतिनिधि की और किन-किन पार्लर में काम को लेकर चर्चा हुई यह जानकारी दूसरे पार्लर वालों को थी।

 दूसरी चौकाने वाली बात यह है कि इन लोगों का यह व्यापार बड़े पैमाने के साथ-साथ आस-पास के जिलों में भी चल रहा हैं। सभी पार्लर वालों ने यह विश्र्वास दिलाया कि उनके ग्राहक शहर के ही नहीं बल्कि प्रदेश के बड़े-बड़े रईस,

 राजनेता और असरदार अफसर हैं जिनको सेवा देने में पैसा तो मिलेगा ही अगर वो मेहरबान हो गए तो अन्य सुविधाएं उनसे ले लेना आपकी काबलियत में निर्भर है। 

इनका यह भी दावा था कि उनसे जुड़ी लड़की पर हाथ डालने की हिम्मत किसी शहर की पुलिस में नहीं है इसलिए जितना बिंदास होकर काम करोगी उतना ही अधिक कमाओंगी यहीं नहीं काम के लिए दूसरी लड़कियां लाने पर उनकी सुंदरता के हिसाब से प्रतिमाह उनकी कमाई में से कमीशन देने की बात भी कही गई।

 जब उनसे भोले बनकर यह कहा गया कि अरे लड़कियों को मैं कहां से लाऊंगी तो तुरंत ही रास्ता बताते हुए राजधानी के विभिन्न कोचिंग क्लासेस में बाहर के शहरों से पढ़ने आई लड़कियों से दोस्ती बढ़ाने की सलाह भी दे डाली गई 

और यह भी कहा गया कि अगर आप हमारे लिए काम करेंगी तो जल्द ही जान जाओगी की इस काम में कैसे-कैसे परिवारों की हाईली क्वीलीफाइड और हाई प्रोफाइल लड़के, लड़कियां तथा आंटी जुड़ी हैं।

 यह तस्वीर राजधानी के कुछ गिने-चुने नामी पार्लर को छोड़कर लगभग हर पार्लर की है जहां पुरुषों को मसाज देने के नाम पर लड़कियों को गलत काम में ढकेला जा रहा है। 

अनेकों बार पुलिस ने ऐसे पार्लर पर छापे डालकर देह-व्यापार होते रंगे हाथों पकड़ा है उसके बाद भी चल रहे ऐसे पार्लर की बड़ी संख्या यह बताती है

 कि अब कहीं न कहीं पुलिस और प्रशासन की मिली भगत से ही यह धंधा सरे आम फल फूल रहा है।

                                                  How to become a model

IN english

The cRequet sex going on in the capital

The capital's famous beauty parlour requires young and smart boys and girls who have knowledge of their work. The interested person himself met. As advertisements are seen daily in various newspapers nowadays. 

In these advertisements, young men and women are also lured to hefty earnings. Many surprising things were revealed when the phone spoke to eight parlor operators to find out how it could be a hefty earning.

 None of the parlours that were contacted tried to find out how much the caller is aware of the beautician's work. His full emphasis was already on the contact to know the age and stature of the callers. 

When he tried to find out the extent of earning in this work on the phone, he was told that it was a dipend on your beauty and smartness. Instead of talking more on the phone, 

he was asked to get a fesh to the floor. So when he visited these parlours to find out the secret of this hefty earning, everything that he saw on the spot was shocking and intimidating.

 Two boys and two girls were present at a parlor in Malviyanagar. The parlor representative sitting inside the room started with the question of whether you got married? In reply, he said, "

Good, married girls are our first choice for this work." What can be done in the parlor as the necessary questions were asked after getting satisfactory answers to many other two-pronged questions. When he was convinced that the front needed money, he came to his true colour. 

For this, he wanted to know if you really wanted to earn a lot of money, in a short time? When the answer to this question was also yes, he said, "Well, if you have no objection to giving full body massage to the gents clients who come to the parlor, 

we can give you ten to ten thousand rupees per day." The more frankly you do this work, the more money you do. Also, if you are sent to the client's house to give a massage, the cost of commuting will also be given. In the home service, we will pay you more, 

so the home service is more injoy and safe. Even after understanding his full gesture, when our representative showed interest in working, Sir, not only came down to obscenity

 but also gave an offer to start a job by giving immediate service to a customer who entered the parlor at the same time. Therefore, the representative considered it good to leave the place when the situation was dangerous. After that the representative went to another reputed parlor,

 most of the college students were able to take service. The parlor also raised all the questions that were asked in the first parlor. Yes, from security point of view, 

the questions were not directly rotated. But the girls who are fond of knowing English were asked to pay more commissions in lieu of work. Work there, the gents massage, 

as the customer wants. The parlor also has a package tour facility, so the representative also asked if you had any difficulty in going out with the client? When the representative agreed to go out for a couple of days, he comforted you that you might have to go to the places. 

On going out, the daily salary was said to be Rs. 20 to 25 thousand. In which the condition was that we would decide how many clients you have to give service, 

which you have to accept, yes, the time limit was fixed, twenty-four hours. If you work free, you will earn a lot in a short time. The point is that all the parlours that give such service have spread their nets like a syndicate. This information was given to other 

parlours of our representative and in which parlor the work was discussed. The other shocking thing is that this business of these people is going on in a big way as well as in nearby districts. 

All the parlours assured that their customers are not only the city but also the big wealthy, politicians and effective officers of the state who will get money to serve if they are kind, it is up to you to take other facilities from them. They also claimed that the courage to put their hands on the girl associated with them was not in the police of any city, so the more you would work, the more it would earn, 

the more it was said to be commissioned from their earnings every month according to their beauty. When he was naïve, he was told where I would bring the girls from where I would be, immediately, 

in various coaching classes in the capital, advising the girls from outside cities to increase their friendship and it was also said that if you work for us, you will soon know how the families of the high-quality qualified and high profile boys will be able to know how to do so. ,

girls and aunt are associated. The photograph is of almost every parlor except a few reputed parlours in the capital where girls are being pushed into the wrong job in the name of giving massage to men. Many a time, the police have raided such parlours and caught a red-handed body trade, 

even after a large number of such parlours are running, saying that the business is now flourishing with the connivance of the police and the administration.pital's famous beauty parlour requires young and smart boys and girls who have knowledge of their work. The interested person himself met.

 As advertisements are seen daily in various newspapers nowadays. In these advertisements, young men and women are also lured to hefty earnings. Many surprising things were revealed when the phone spoke to eight parlor operators to find out how it could be a hefty earning.

None of the parlours that were contacted tried to find out how much the caller is aware of the beautician's work. His full emphasis was already on the contact to know the age and stature of the callers. When he tried to find out the extent of earning in this work on the phone,

 he was told that it was a dipend on your beauty and smartness. Instead of talking more on the phone, he was asked to get a fesh to the floor. So when he visited these parlours to find out the secret of this hefty earning, everything that he saw on the spot was shocking and intimidating. 

Two boys and two girls were present at a parlor in Malviyanagar. The parlor representative sitting inside the room started with the question of whether you got married? In reply, he said, 

questions were asked after getting satisfactory answers to many other two-pronged questions. When he was convinced that the front needed money, he came to his true colour. For this, he wanted to know if you really wanted to earn a lot of money, in a short time? 

When the answer to this question was also yes, he said, "Well, if you have no objection to giving full body massage to the gents clients who come to the parlor, we can give you ten to ten thousand rupees per day." The more frankly you do this work, the more money you do. 

Also, if you are sent to the client's house to give a massage, the cost of commuting will also be given. In the home service, we will pay you more, so the home service is more injoy and safe. Even after understanding his full gesture, when our representative showed interest in working, 

Sir, not only came down to obscenity but also gave an offer to start a job by giving immediate service to a customer who entered the parlor at the same time. Therefore, 

the representative considered it good to leave the place when the situation was dangerous. After that the representative went to another reputed parlor, most of the college students were able to take service. The parlor also raised all the questions that were asked in the first parlor. 

Yes, from security point of view, the questions were not directly rotated. But the girls who are fond of knowing English were asked to pay more commissions in lieu of work. Work there, the gents massage, as the customer wants. The parlor also has a package tour facility, 

so the representative also asked if you had any difficulty in going out with the client? When the representative agreed to go out for a couple of days, he comforted you that you might have to go to the places. On going out, the daily salary was said to be Rs. 20 to 25 thousand. In which the condition was that we would decide how many clients you have to give service, 

which you have to accept, yes, the time limit was fixed, twenty-four hours. If you work free, you will earn a lot in a short time. The point is that all the parlours that give such service have spread their nets like a syndicate. 

This information was given to other parlours of our representative and in which parlor the work was discussed. The other shocking thing is that this business of these people is going on in a big way as well as in nearby districts. 

All the parlours assured that their customers are not only the city but also the big wealthy, politicians and effective officers of the state who will get money to serve if they are kind, it is up to you to take other facilities from them.
 They also claimed that the courage to put their hands on the girl associated with them was not in the police of any city, so the more you would work, the more it would earn, the more it was said to be commissioned from their earnings every month according to their beauty. 

When he was naïve, he was told where I would bring the girls from where I would be, immediately, in various coaching classes in the capital, advising the girls from outside cities to increase their friendship and it was also said that if you work for us, 

you will soon know how the families of the high-quality qualified and high profile boys will be able to know how to do so. , girls and aunt are associated. The photograph is of almost every parlor except a few reputed parlours in the capital

where girls are being pushed into the wrong job in the name of giving massage to men. Many a time, the police have raided such parlours and caught a red-handed body trade, 

even after a large number of such parlours are running, saying that the business is now flourishing with the connivance of the police and the administration.

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